Central Africa: Rwanda Launches Aviation Training Centre

Rwanda, on February 14, launched a Centre of Excellence for Aviation Skills (CEAS) aimed at building local capacity and empowering the labour force in the aviation industry in the region and beyond.
The five-year project will be implemented in collaboration with the African Development Bank at an investment worth $26.6 million (approx. Rwf34.1 billion) to build a skilled workforce to meet national and international aviation training standards and industry demand.
The centre of excellence will offer different aviation courses such as pilot training, maintenance training, cabin crew, dispatch, ancillary courses, air traffic management courses, aeronautical information services, aeronautical meteorological services, aeronautical communications operations, communication navigation, and surveillance, airport emergency services (operations), and other supporting programs.
Again, the centre will also partner with higher learning institutions to provide academic aviation courses, and offer accreditation and certification with international accrediting bodies such as the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
Source: All Africa