FGASA Announces Establishment of Field Guides Association of East Africa

The Field Guides Association of Southern Africa (FGASA) is thrilled to announce the establishment of and partnership with the Field Guides Association of East Africa (FGAEA). This new organisation aims to set high standards of professionalism and excellence in ethical guiding across the East African region.
Born from years of engagement with guides and industry stakeholders in East African countries, FGAEA has been made possible by the support of FGASA and funding from seasoned industry professional Charlie Bailey. Rooted in Tanzania, the establishment of FGAEA will be guided by one of the founders Heribert Mardai, a Tanzanian guide trainer with a deep passion for nature and conservation. Mardai's extensive experience across Southern, North, and East Africa has inspired him to help establish an association dedicated to promoting professional development and best practices in guiding.
"FGAEA offers a unique opportunity to develop a pan-African set of standards and code of conduct for guiding, wildlife and habitat management, tourism, and conservation," said Mardai. "This will not only elevate the profession but also provide new career opportunities for individuals passionate about the natural world."
FGASA, with 34 years of experience in setting industry standards in Southern Africa, will provide guidance and support to FGAEA. While FGAEA will operate independently with an East African Board of Directors, each country or region will have representation on the FGASA Executive Forum. FGAEA will benefit from FGASA's standards, expertise, career curriculum structure, and decades of experience.

Source: FGASA