24 Jan 2024

Infinite Safari Foundation Announces 2023 Donations


Infinite Safari Adventures Announces Year End Giving For The Infinite Safari Foundation

AFRICA: In January 2023, celebrating its commitment to giving back, Infinite Safari Adventures (www.infinitesafariadventures.com) founded the Infinite Safari Foundation (www.infinitesafarifoundation.org).

In addition to third party donations, ISA donates a portion of every safari to the Foundation in the name of its clients. That money is used for educational, conservation and humanitarian initiatives throughout Africa where Infinite Safari Adventures operates.

“We have always believed in giving back the communities that make our clients’ safaris so memorable” stated ISA owner Alan Feldstein. “After personally raising monies from friends and clients to feed 1500 Masai who were suffering from the drought in Amboseli Kenya in 2022 we realized that having a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation for people to make tax free donations was essential.”

In its first year of operation the Infinite Safari Foundation has made donations to support the following initiatives:

BRILLIANT BEAUTY COLLEGE - Working with its Kenya Ground Partner, DK Grand Safaris, the foundation made a donation to underwrite all tuition and material cost to send a young woman to the Brilliant Beauty College. 99% of the students are young girls, who have completed secondary/primary school cannot afford the fees to pursue a career training. This will allow a deserving student to do so.

THE CHEETAH CONSERVATION FUND – With only about 6500 cheetahs left in the wild, the Cheetah Conservation Fund is dedicated to not only saving cheetahs but educating people on how to live in harmony with wildlife. CCF’s efforts include the livestock guarding dog program and relocating cheetahs to India to populate an area that has not seen cheetahs for more than 75 years. CCF is also actively involved in stopping the illegal importation of captured cheetah cubs to the Middle East by assisting in interdicting the cubs in Somaliland and creating a sanctuary for the rescued cubs. CCF’s philosophy is to “change the world to save the cheetah.” Monies donated by the Foundation are being used as a matching challenge grant to continue CCF’s initiatives to save the cheetah.

CONSERVATION SOUTH LUANGWA - Known for its abundant wildlife including wild dogs and leopards, Infinite Safari Adventures sends many clients there. CSL works in partnership with Zambia’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW). The park has over 1,400,000 hectares (almost 3,500,000 acres) to protect. The Foundation’s donation will be used to support the local vet who devotes his time in the park and to purchase a much needed laptop.

OGULULUI RANGERS - The Olgulului Rangers,are dedicated to protecting iconic wildlife and provide security for local Maasai communities in the Amboseli Area of Kenya. They connect local Maasai communities, conservancies, and the Rangers to form a network of eyes and ears to protect the ecosystem’s iconic wildlife from poaching and other threats. Monies to the rangers will be used to help the dedicated rangers as they struggle to do their work including supporting Olgulului’s first female rangers, known as Team Lioness.

REACH THE WORLD - Reach The World’s mission is to connect students in K-12 classrooms virtually with people throughout the world to allow them to learn about a variety of important issues. RTW uses the web, messaging and video conferencing to connect students with travelers through global, virtual exchanges. The Foundation has underwritten RTC’s goal is to get a number of classrooms throughout the world to participate in learning about Cheetahs and the issues of human/wildlife conflict.

SEKA EDUCATIONAL THEATER - The SEKA Educational Theater has a reputation among the communities in its area for bringing a sense of fun to serious issues through theater performances. The troupe have tackled the problems of elephants raiding gardens, HIV/AIDS education, children’s rights, litter and natural resource management, among others. The Foundation’s donation is going to support the actors and cover transportation costs for traveling to local communities.

SAVING THE SURVIVORS - The mission of Saving The Survivors is to treat and care for rhino, elephant, lion and other African wildlife that have fallen victim to poaching or traumatic incidents. This has included rebuilding the facial features of rhino Seha, whose face was hacked off by poachers with a machete. Ready to go on moment’s notice its founder Dr. Johan Marais travels all over the continent to do this invaluable work which the Foundation is supporting.

For further information about the Infinite Safari Foundation you can reach Alan Feldstein at [email protected] or call +1 818-508-1885

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