13 May 2024

EasyJet Expands to West Africa with Low-Cost Flights to Cabo Verde


In a significant expansion into the West African market, EasyJet is introducing its first low-cost flights from Portugal to the island nation of Cabo Verde starting October 29th. The inaugural route will connect Lisbon to the island of Sal, followed by a Porto-Sal flight the next day.

This strategic move demonstrates EasyJet's growth plans by establishing new air routes between Europe and West Africa. The airline will initially offer 50,000 tickets for the winter season to these destinations, with another 50,000 slated for summer.

Lisbon will host four weekly flights to Sal on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, while Porto will operate two weekly flights on Wednesdays and Saturdays. By addressing growing demand, EasyJet provides affordable travel options, improving access between Portugal and the West African archipelago.

These routes represent a pivotal step for EasyJet, offering efficient connections to Cabo Verde's rich culture and natural attractions like Sal's beaches and surf spots. Increased accessibility promises to stimulate tourism, business, and positively impact international travel dynamics in the region.

Cabo Verde's strategic position off West Africa's coast allows it to draw visitors from across Europe, Africa and beyond. EasyJet's low-cost initiative capitalizes on this allure, opening opportunities for travellers while bolstering the local economy through heightened tourism.

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Source: Voyages Afriq

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