Just a Drop brings sustainable safe water, sanitation and hygiene projects to communities, transforming lives. Started from within the travel industry, we have supported over 1.9 million people since 1998. All of our projects are community led and owned, ensuring their long-term sustainability through the implementation of practical solutions.
We currently work in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Cambodia, Nicaragua and India. Since
Just a Drop celebrates 25 years since it was launched, with a press conference at this year’s World Travel Market. The aim is to reflect on their 25 years in operation and the results they have achieved with the support of the travel industry.
Across the world, water scarcity has the biggest impact on women and girls. Not only are they the ones usually tasked with collecting water, they also suffer the most from lack of sanitation and the resulting indignities.
We all know Christmas is going to be a little different this year. While Coronavirus means Christmas plans and get-togethers certainly won’t be the same, there’s no reason to let tiers and restrictions dampen our Christmas spirit.
2020 has been an unprecedented year for all of us. Across the pandemic, Just a Drop has been able to use our 20 years’ experience to reach and benefit thousands of people with safe water, improved hygiene and better sanitation.
At Just a Drop, we believe that everyone has the right to safe water and handwashing facilities and now more than ever, it is important that we continue to support communities across Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Fiona Jeffery OBE, Founder of Just a Drop, reflects on her recent trip to Uganda to assess the charity's impact in bringing about the desired outcomes which ensure long term benefit for the communities Just a Drop works with - and to see if there's anything the charity can do to create even greater impact. Read the article here: https://www.justadrop.org/delivering-impact-and-making-a-difference-in-uganda
There are limited tickets still available for this year’s Just a Drop talk at the Royal Geographical Society on 25th April. ‘For the Love of Nature’ will see the award-winning filmmakers behind the epic new Netflix series Our Planet and the ground-breaking BBC series Life and Planet Earth – Just a Drop Patrons Huw Cordey and Patrick Morris – share the stories that have inspired them across their thirty years of wildlife filmmaking. The talk will be followed by an audience Q&A led by Just a Drop Patron Stephen Sackur, presenter of BBC's HARDTalk. Hurry - book by the end of Easter Monday, 22 April, to get 20% off with code EASTER20
Tickets: www.justadrop.org/Event/for-the-love-of-nature
Just a Drop will host For the Love of Nature with Huw Cordey and Patrick Morris, the award-winning filmmakers behind the ground-breaking BBC series Life, Planet Earth, Galapagos and The Hunt, on 25 April at the Royal Geographical Society.
For the Love of Nature will see Huw and Patrick share the stories that have inspired them across their thirty years of wildlife filmmaking, including the making of upcoming Netflix series Our Planet, narrated by David Attenborough and due for release in April. The talk will be followed by an audience Q&A led by Stephen Sackur, presenter of BBC's HARDTalk and Just a Drop Patron.
It's World Water Day on Friday! Get involved in with Just a Drop’s Steps to Water campaign this week to support communities with access to clean safe water!
Globally, 844 million people do not have access to safe water, with women and children in developing countries walking an average of 6km every day – or 8,000 steps - to collect water which is not safe to drink.
Bring clean water a step closer this World Water Day by taking on the Steps to Water challenge: track your own steps to water, then donate 1p per step to Just a Drop!
In celebration of Just a Drop’s 20th anniversary, we spoke to four inspirational people who are doing their bit to change the world we live in for the better.
Fiona Jeffery OBE founded Just a Drop in 1998 shortly after becoming a mum. She learnt that at the time, a child died every 17 seconds because of dirty water - yet just £1 could provide a child with safe water for 10 years. At the time, Fiona was Chairman of the travel industry's global event World Travel Market, and by setting up Just a Drop hoped to encourage travel and tourism businesses to give back to the communities they operated in across the world.