New Lake Natron Camp Website is Live!
Lake Natron Camp is very pleased to announce the launch of our new website.
Lake Natron Camp is a 10 tented unique, ecological camp set in one of the most extreme locations in the world!
Home to local Maasai Tribes, abundant wildlife and over 1 million flamingos, our camp is perfectly situated for those looking to make life-long memories. Come and embrace the dramatic views of the Great Rift Valley and the majestic Ol Doinyo Lengai, which is not just the only active carbonatite volcano in the world but also the catalyst for everything that surrounds it.
Take a break from the safari car and walk in on our Great Rift Valley Trek from the Ngorongoro Highlands, probably the most breath-taking hike in East Africa, or walk out, through the Gol Mountains, following in the footsteps of mankind all the way to the cradle of life at Olduvai Gorge. Whilst in camp, relax with a glass of wine in our natural pool or have a massage from a local Maasai. Take a short walk to the lake or cool off in the waterfalls or explore the local village and see our community permaculture projects in action.