25 Oct 2019

Kananga Plastic bottle free


We are proud to announce that as from December of last year, we have been diligently phasing out plastic bottles in our camp, well ahead of the new legislation banning plastic bottles in National Parks that will come into play in June 2020.

We now have 20-litre water dispensers available in the mess tents and have replaced plastic water bottles in the rooms with ecofriendly re-fillable water bottles in our efforts to contribute in a small way to the climate change issues our world is facing. We have also replaced plastic shampoo and shower gel bottles with beautiful hand-painted crystal bottles. 

Also, we remind our guests that as from the 1st of June 2019 the Tanzanian Government banned all use of plastic carrier bags.  Since the ban, the government says 80% of the population stopped using carrier bags. This action was necessary because around tens of millions of plastic bags were handed out in supermarkets, shops and in other establishments every year in Kenya. 

If you will come to visit Kenya and live unforgettable experiences in ours camps, please make sure not to carry any plastic into the country or surrender it at the special desks provided at entry points.