Join the debate: Should the UK ban the importation of hunting trophies?

Join the African Leadership University School of Wildlife Conservation for the first debate in their Wildlife Economy Debate Series on Nov 24, 2022 at 3 pm CAT. Each debate will focus on one of the ‘Big 5’ wildlife economy activities, with the first one focusing on hunting.
The debate: Should the UK ban the importation of hunting trophies?
Moderated by Dr Holly Dublin, the two speakers will be Professor Amy Dickman, Director of WildCRU at Oxford University and Dr Hans Bauer, Research Fellow at WildCRU at the University of Oxford. The debate will present an academic and scientific perspective on the proposed ban on the importation of hunting trophies.
Date: Thursday, November 24, 2022
Time: 1:00pm (GMT); 3:00pm (Central African Time); 4:00pm (East African Time); 8am (Eastern Standard Time)
Platform: ZOOM
This new debate series is to encourage discussion around the ‘’Big Five’ wildlife economy activities which have been defined by the SOWC’s Research Department. The five activities are ecotourism, hunting and fishing, the carbon market, non-timber forest products and wildlife ranching. The overall aim of the research department is to gather data and information to illustrate the value of wildlife to economies and through this to encourage investment in this important economic asset. For more information and to download the latest country case studies please have a look here.