13 Apr 2020

Matetsi Victoria Falls continues to support the Gogo Project


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In times of crisis, even more support is required for community and conservation work. Vulnerable individuals face greater hardship due to loss of income and less support from the wider community. Whole communities face famine and some individuals may turn to poaching as a means of survival.

In addition to our ongoing conservation work on Matetsi Private Game Reserve, we support Greenline Africa Trust, and we are committed to continuing this support through this harsh time. 

Greenline Africa Trust runs the Gogo Project, distributing monthly basic essentials to grandmothers, “Gogos”, in the villages who look after orphaned and vulnerable children. These ladies have very little themselves, and yet they open their homes to these children in need.

Greenline Africa Trust is an incredible organisation that works tirelessly year-round to positively impact the rural communities in Northern Matabeleland through a variety of projects. At this time, they are focusing on the immediate crisis, and have put aside other projects to focus on supporting critical needs of the communities. In addition to the regular Gogo Packs, they are purchasing and distributing soaps widely in the rural communities. 

During economic downturns, support for community and conservation projects often falls away, whether as a result of reduced means of donors, or, as seen specifically in the tourism industry, reduced bed night contributions from hotels and lodges. 

Communities still need our support. Conservation work is on-going. The current crisis is global, but it affects some more harshly than others. Do not close your eyes to the struggles of others. 

We are all in this together.