28 Jun 2024

Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park building USD 1.4 m welcome center


A new US$1.4 million one-stop pavilion and welcome center at Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe is nearing completion, with construction over 65% finished. The project, a collaboration between Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority and the International Fund for Wildlife Welfare, aims to enhance visitor experience and wildlife protection.

The pavilion will replace the current boom gate and feature a visitor centre, tourism office, car park, ranger housing, and a craft shop. It will also include a high-security checkpoint with smart technology cameras to combat illegal hunting and trafficking.

Construction has reached the roofing stage, with most brickwork completed. The pavilion consists of two semi-circle buildings connected by an entrance gate, with additional ranger housing nearby.

This development is part of a larger investment plan for Hwange National Park, aligning with Zimbabwe's "open for business" mantra and contributing to national development goals. Since 2019, the park has received approximately US$3 million in support for various infrastructure and community projects.

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Source: Chronicle