Swinging in the Wild: Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort and Spa Hold August Junior Tournament and Camp

When it comes to learning the game of golf, nothing is quite like the Children’s Camp organized by the Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort and Spa.
The 3-day bi-annual golf and sports camp, starting 9th August to 11th August 2018, provides young and aspiring golfers a supportive and safe environment to improve their game while absorbing its traditions and acquiring unique techniques on East Africa’s finest and most challenging course at a tender age.
The theme for the month of August is “Swinging in the wild” promising an interesting golf experience where young children can look forward to acquire knowledge on dramatic nature and interesting wild adventures on top of the Golfing lessons.
While playing 18 holes, the surrounding environment definitely has a lot to enjoy. There are birds like Geese, Water Ducks, Eagles, Crested Cranes, Tree Swallow bird, King Fisher, and the Olive Sided fly catcher. These species are mostly found on Hole number 4, 8 and 9 fairways.
Fish can be viewed from the fresh waters of every lake shore on every hole. These are mainly Tilapia and Nile perch and can be found on the lakes of Hole 1-9. Smaller wildlife such as the Monitor lizards can be seen on Hole 5, 6, and 7 fairways and insects like Dragon flies can be found flying near green Hole 3 fairway, Hole 4 tee box, and the green of Hole 8. These are harmless and will run away once they sense someone getting close to their hiding place.
Read more: http://www.theserenaexperience.com/?p=1744