Serena Hotels Ends 2019 On A Big EC0-Foot
Serena Hotels in partnership with Mettle Solar OFGEN have transformed a third property, Mara Serena Safari Lodge in Kenya, into a fully solar powered property. The inauguration of the Mara Serena solar power plant demonstrates Serena Hotels commitment to be the ‘Full Scale Solar Pioneers’ in the East African hospitality sector.
The solar power plant constructed by Mettle Solar OFGEN has an output of 640kWp with 1400kWh of storage utilising TESLA Lithium-ion batteries. This provides capacity to supply Mara Serena Safari Lodge’s total energy requirements.
Mr. Mahmud Jan Mohamed, Managing Director, Serena Hotels says, “This is an exciting and sustainable approach to addressing our energy needs, aligning our established dedication in environmental stewardship that has been in existence for over four decades.”
Mettle Solar OFGEN has implemented similar off-grid solar systems in other Serena properties including Kilaguni Serena Safari Lodge (2017) and Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge (2018). Additionally, the firm commissioned two grid-tied hybrid solar systems in early 2018 at Lake Elmenteita Serena Camp and Sweetwaters Serena Camp. The approximate cumulative environmental impact of these initiatives is as follows:
- Total installed capacity: 1,760kWp with 3,900kWh of storage.
- Total green energy produced to date: 2,771 MWh.
- CO2 avoided: 1,949 tons.
- Trees that would need to be planted to extract the said CO2 within 10 years: 155,950 trees.