Serena Beach Resort & Spa Pledge to Join the Initiative to Create a Plastic Free Coastline
Serena Hotels has remained sensitive towards improving and preserving the environment in which it operates. Responsible management of natural resources in our operations has been a part of our business since construction of our first hotel over four decades ago. As the Company expands, developments and operations have and continue to be guided by a dynamic ecological-policy focusing on actions and projects related to climate change, water and energy conservation, air emissions, reducing and recycling waste to the extent possible, conserve biodiversity, restore natural habitats and respect of local tradition, culture and heritage.
The environmental consequences of our ‘addiction’ to plastic are massive. Marine, birds and wildlife become entangled or choke on our plastic waste, some even mistake it for food. This waste eventually breaks down into tiny toxic particles, which are eaten by plankton and fish and ultimately enter our food chain.
With this in mind, conscious efforts and initiatives to reduce single-use plastic consumption at the 24 Serena properties in Africa have been implemented in a phased manner since 2016, thus further enhancing Serena Hotels commitment to reducing its environmental impact.
At Serena Beach Resort and Spa, a couple of initiative have been launched and go a long way in reducing plastics along the Kenyan coast. Read more on our blog