New Member - The Bushcamp Company
The Bushcamp Company operates Mfuwe Lodge, KuKaya, and 6 Bushcamps in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia. Mfuwe Lodge comprises 18 chalets, a 2-bedroom family unit, pool, curio shop, and spa. KuKaya has five 2-bedroom villa and 1 single villa, all with additional sleeping space, and each with its own pool and firepit. The Bushcamps are in the remote southern part of the Park, with only 4 chalets each, offering an exclusive, intimate experience. South Luangwa is the home of walking safaris, providing a perspective of the bush that you don’t get from a vehicle. Many of our guests prefer to do walking safaris each morning at our Bushcamps, and for the ultimate in walking safaris, guests can walk between several of our Bushcamps. We have extra guides and vehicles in camps, which provides flexibility for guests that may prefer to do game drives rather than walks. We can arrange private guides for clients for ultimate flexibility.
The average guest stay is 7 – 10 nights at a combination of properties. Mfuwe Lodge is perhaps best known for the elephants that walk through Reception each October, November, and December to reach the wild mango tree in the courtyard. The Bushcamp Company is involved in 3 conservation and community projects. Through our Commit to Clean Water initiative, we have drilled nearly 300 boreholes in the Mfuwe area, bringing safe drinking water to nearly 75,000 people each day. We feed over 4000 students each day through our Meal-a-Day programme. Our Education Scholarships are assisting over 350 students to obtain primary, secondary, and tertiary education.