06 Mar 2025

New Book Highlights Ghana’s Tourism Potential and Innovation


A new book exploring Ghana’s tourism opportunities and strategies for growth has been launched in Accra. Tourism is Gold… the Path to Ghana, authored by tourism professor Dr. Damien Duchamp, was unveiled at the British Council before an audience of industry stakeholders, students, and media. Drawing from decades of global experience, Dr. Duchamp provides insights into economic development, hospitality, maker tourism, and the role of technology in shaping the sector’s future.

The book, structured into 21 chapters, blends theory with practical case studies, many centred on Ghana. Dr. Duchamp describes it as 80% focused on global tourism entrepreneurship and 20% highlighting Ghana-specific examples. With a broad target audience, from students to industry professionals, the book offers tools and exercises to drive innovation and sustainable growth. Dr. Duchamp hopes it will serve as a practical resource, helping tourism practitioners refine strategies and maximise opportunities in Ghana’s evolving tourism landscape.

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Source: VoyagesAfriq