13 Nov 2018

Flatdogs Camp Extends its Support of Conservation and Community Projects


From 2019 Flatdogs Camp has increased the contribution we make to conservation and community projects by 50% (now $15 per bed night in high season). This will allow us to support the Zambian Carnivore Program in their important research. The Luangwa Conservation and Community Fund (LCCF) was set up by some safari operators as a voluntary contribution to local organisations to assist with the running costs of important projects. In 8 years Flatdogs Camp has raised around $220,000 which we have split between Conservation South Luangwa (www.cslzambia.org) and Project Luangwa (www.projectluangwa.org).

We recognise the important work that Zambian Carnivore Program (www.zambiacarnivores.org) does and have increased our contribution to allow us to provide support to them without reducing our commitment to our original beneficiaries.

We live in an era of rapid, human-induced ecological change, necessitating accurate and current scientific information to guide, inform and evaluate conservation efforts. The collaborative long-term studies of large carnivores, their prey, habitat, and the factors limiting and threatening them are therefore of critical importance.

Some of the research requires them to fit radio collars to a sample of their subjects, tracking their movements to give us more data on their range, behaviour and vulnerabilities. As a by-product it allows them work hand in hand with CSL to locate and de-snare some of our most precious and threatened species. Some 10% of the Luangwa wild dog population have had snares removed with many of these animals going on to lead long and productive lives.