Conservation SOS: Africa’s Leopards Battling Extinction
As elusive as leopards may be, their legendary adaptability has fostered a belief that they are widespread both inside and outside of protected areas. As a result, the species has received little conservation attention to date but loss of habitat and prey, coupled with high levels of demand for skins, is threatening the species’ very existence. Singita’s research work with Panthera, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of big cats the world over, seeks to better understand their behaviour and population dynamics; information which will help to drive positive policy changes that will keep healthy numbers of leopards in the wild for future generations.
Over the past few years, Singita and Panthera have collaborated on a series of camera trap surveys in the Sabi Sand and Kruger National Park to determine leopard density in areas of varying exposure to anthropogenic threats.
The threat of extinction becomes ever more real when one considers the fact that there are likely fewer than 5,000 leopards remaining in South Africa, with their numbers continuing to decline at an alarming rate. Without the efforts and influence of organisations like Singita and Panthera, it won’t be long before we lose them and the other threatened species under our care, forever.
The generous support of Singita’s guests, individual and corporate donors are critical to the success of projects like these. Your donation could pay for or contribute towards a camera trap survey ($3,500) or a single camera ($120), allowing Singita and Panthera to continue to fight for the survival of Africa’s most iconic wildlife: Donate now »