21 May 2024

Architects Invited to Design Masai Mara Conservation Hub


The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has launched an international competition to design a new Conservation Centre at the Oloololo Gate entrance to Kenya's famous Masai Mara National Reserve. Commissioned by travel company Abercrombie and Kent Philanthropy, the centre aims to educate visitors about the unique Masai Mara ecosystem and promote sustainable tourism practices.

The facility requirements include parking, amenities, an exhibition space, interactive learning zones, a gift shop, and environmentally conscious design features. The iconic Masai Mara, renowned for its exceptional wildlife including lions, elephants, and the annual wildebeest migration, faces threats from habitat loss and poaching.

The competition is open to registered architects worldwide, with submissions due by 18 June 2024. The winning design will contribute to protecting the Masai Mara's rich biodiversity for future generations.

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Source: Arch Daily