A groundbreaking discovery at Ankasa Reserve in Ghana’s Western Region!

A groundbreaking discovery at Ankasa Reserve in Ghana’s Western Region! Ashanti African Tours has recorded the first-ever sighting of the near-mythical Yellow-headed Picathartes (White-necked Rockfowl) in this protected rainforest.
During an 18-day Ghana Birding & Nature tour, our local guide, Paul Mensah, spotted a single bird feeding on the road while driving deeper into the forest, giving lucky group members an unforgettable moment before it flew back into the forest.
This is a huge win for conservation and the protection of this vulnerable species that we are actively working hard to protect. 🌍
(please note these photos/footage is not from the recent sighting)
#Birding #Ghana #WildlifeConservation #YellowHeadedPicathartes#AshantiAfricanTours