31 Mar 2021

Cottar's and Cottar's Wildlife Conservation Trust successful pangolin recovery


Cottar's and the Cottar's Wildlife Conservation Trust (CWCT) are thrilled to report, just a few days ago, the successful recovery of a pangolin that was being held in a house in the settlement area of Naikarra near Olderkesi Conservancy. 

It was reported to Olderkesi Rangers on Thursday night, that a guy holding a pangolin at his house, was trying to look for market to sell. Our rangers responded quickly and the following morning, with the help of Kenya Wildlife Service officers, 3 culprits were arrested. The 3 have since been arraigned in court and released with a bond of 1 million Kenya Shillings (USD 10,000) each.

Pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, are reclusive and nocturnal animals that roll up into a ball when threatened. They are seldom seen in the wild and are very hard to raise in captivity. Yet, pangolins have become the most heavily trafficked wild mammal in the world. Up to 200,000 are estimated to be taken from the wild every year across Africa and Asia.

We are grateful for the coordination efforts of everyone involved with this pangolin rescue, in particular the Pangolin Project. 

At Cottar's we have been working hard on all our activities including our Engage and Impact activities which will also team up with various charities in our local area who have all been so affected during these difficult times. Watch out over the coming weeks for more on our offerings. 

In the meantime: for more on CWCT - https://cottarswildlifeconservationtrust.org/news/ and of course the important work the Pangolin Project do: https://www.thepangolinproject.org/