23 Feb 2021

ANNOUNCEMENT: Postponement of Opening to 2 September 2021


Taking into consideration the virulent spread of COVID-19 and the recent cases of transmission from humans to gorillas in the San Diego zoo, the park managing authorities – African Parks, WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature) – have jointly agreed that the national parks in the Congo Basin remain closed until further notice. This decision has been made in consultation with the IUCN Section of Great Apes and adheres to IUCN Best Practice Guidelines for Health Monitoring and Disease Control in Great Ape Populations. 

Following on from this decision by the park management, the reopening date of Odzala Discovery Camps has been postponed from 26th April 2021 to 2nd September 2021. 

Since closing, 92% of bookings have postponed to new dates. We would like to thank our trade partners and their guests for their continued commitment to the future of tourism in the Congo Basin.

We are currently investigating the possibility of setting up accredited PCR or high-accuracy antigen testing at our Camps, which will support and benefit both the local community and allow for all guests to be tested on arrival and again before their international departure. The Directors aim to have this in place over the next few months to ensure that the targeted re-opening date may be reached. 

The team are currently on the ground, exploring future guest experiences, as well as using this time to undertake camp renovations and interior upgrades. Watch this space for our new developments and we look forward to welcoming you back soon!