Experience Africa 2025 Exhibitor Terms and Conditions

Contracts for participation at Experience Africa are made with Experience Africa Events Ltd (EAE).

    In this agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings:
    1. Confidential Information” means in respect of each party to this Agreement all information (whether in oral, written, graphic, machine recognisable or simple form) of a confidential or proprietary nature whether or not marked as “Confidential” or “proprietary or similar designation, owned, developed, controlled, licenced to, or otherwise acquired or used by that party (whether or not relating to this Agreement) and relating to its business.
    2. Event” shall mean the event set out on the Schedule.
    3. “Event Date(s)” shall mean the date or dates for the Event set out in the Schedule or such other date(s) on which the Event is held pursuant to this agreement.
    4. “Event Venue” shall mean the venue shown in the Schedule or such other venue in which the event is held pursuant to this agreement.
    5. “Force Majeure” shall mean any circumstances outside a party’s reasonable control including, without limitation war, act of terrorism, civil commotion, strike, lockout or any other industrial action, Act of God storm, fire, earthquake, flood, electrical failure or action of government or other competent authority.
    6. “Group Company” shall mean in relation to a body corporate, any subsidiary, subsidiary undertaking or holding company of such body corporate, and any subsidiary or subsidiary undertaking of any such holding company for the time being.
    7. ‘Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean patents inventions, know-how, trade secrets and other confidential information, registered designs, design rights, copyrights, database rights, rights affording equivalent protection to copyright and design rights, trademarks, trade names, service marks, business names, domain names, moral rights, registrations and applications to register any of the aforesaid items, rights in the nature of any of the aforesaid items in any country and /or jurisdiction, rights in the nature of unfair competition rights, goodwill, the rights to sue for passing off or other rights in any unregistered trade mark, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or will subsist now or in the future in any part of the world.
    8. “Exhibitor Fee” shall mean the Exhibitor fee specified in the Schedule. VAT at 20% is applicable to organisations domiciled in the UK.
    9. “Exhibitor Package” shall mean the Exhibitor services to be supplied by EAE as set out in the Schedule.
    10. “Exhibitor’s Trademarks” means the Exhibitor’s trademarks and logos set out in the schedule.

Unless the context otherwise requires, words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words denoting any one gender shall. Include all genders and words denoting persons shall include all bodies corporate, unincorporated associations, and partnerships.

Headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

    1. EAE shall organise the event to take place on the Event Date(s) and in the Event Venue shown in the Schedule provided that in the event that the holding of the Event on the Event Date(s) or in the Event Venue becomes impossible or inadvisable in EAE’s opinion EAE shall be entitled to notify the Exhibitor to hold the Event on alternative dates or in an alternative venue as appropriate and all the provisions of this Agreement shall apply as if the Event had been held on the Event Date(s) or in the Event Venue set out in this agreement
    2. EAE shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Event and the development of such appropriately and adequately qualified staff are required to organise all aspects of the Event.
    3. In consideration for the Exhibitor Fee, EAE shall provide the Exhibitor Package to the Exhibitor in relation to the event
    4. The Exhibitor Package will include a guaranteed minimum of 36 pre-scheduled meetings, subject to the Exhibitor creating a wish list of now less than 10 VIP and 80 Standard buyer preferences.
      1. Guaranteed minimum number refers to the number of meetings in the Exhibitor diary on the date that the final diaries are released.
      2. EAE cannot be held responsible for any Buyer now-shows or last-minute cancellations. However, EAE will endeavour to replace last-minute cancellations.
      3. Should the Exhibitor final diary have fewer pre-scheduled meetings than the guaranteed minimum EAE will pay a refund of £50 (fifty) per empty meeting slot below the guaranteed minimum.
      4. Guaranteed minimum only applies to Exhibitor Packages booked for the full duration of the Event and does not apply to Split Desk Exhibitor Packages.
    1. In consideration for the Exhibitor Package the Exhibitor shall pay the Exhibitor Fee and any applicable Value Added Tax or any other sales tax set out in the schedule. The Exhibitor Fee shall be due and payable within 28 days of receiving a Tax invoice. In the event that the Commencement Date occurs after the Payment Date, the Exhibitor Fee shall be due and payable before the Commencement date. EAE shall issue a tax invoice in respect of the Exhibitor Fee. Please note your invoice will be sent by EAE
    2. In consideration of the Split Desk Exhibitor Package both Exhibitors will be jointly and severally liable for the Exhibitor Fees.
    3. Without prejudice to any other rights of EAE, in the event that the Exhibitor fails to pay the exhibitor fee pursuant to clause 3.1 EAE may suspend the supply of the whole or part of the services listed in the Exhibitor Package. Early booking invoices must be paid in full by the date shown on the original invoice otherwise the Early booking discount will be revoked and re-issued at the standard rates.
    4. EAE shall be entitled to charge the Exhibitor interest on overdue payments at prevailing rate set by the Bank of England.
    5. The Exhibitor shall provide EAE, at the Exhibitor’s sole cost and expense, all suitable material including artwork of the Exhibitor’s Trademarks in a format and within print deadlines reasonably specified by EAE for it to be reproduced under the control of EAE for the fulfilment of the rights in the Exhibitor Package.
    6. The Exhibitor shall additionally perform any obligations (if any) set out in the Schedule and Exhibitor obligations for the Exhibitor and will use such reasonable endeavours to provide support and assistance to EAE in promoting the event as may be agreed between EAE and the Exhibitor
    7. The Exhibitor is responsible for taking out and maintaining a valid policy of insurance covering the Exhibitor’s personnel and property against all loss and damage incurred at or in connection with the Event including travel and medical coverage.
    8. We may require you to have a Lateral Flow Test as condition of entry. We reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone who cannot provide a negative test result or evidence of vaccination
    1. The Agreement shall commence on the date the Exhibitor Application has been approved by EAE (“Commencement Date”) and, subject to its earlier termination in accordance with the provisions of this, Clause 4 shall continue until the completion of both parties’ obligation under this Agreement (“Term”).
    2. EAE may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the exhibitor if, at its sole discretion, EAE cancels the Event. In such an event, EAE shall refund the Exhibitor such whole or part of the Exhibitor Fee as has been received by it. The Exhibitor acknowledges that EAE shall not be in breach of this Agreement by virtue of that cancellation or abandonment.
    3. Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice if the other is in breach of any of its material obligations under this Agreement and fails to remedy such breach (if capable of remedy) within 14 (fourteen) days of a written notice to do so. For the avoidance of doubt, the failure of the Exhibitor to pay the Exhibitor Fee shall be a material breach of this Agreement.
    4. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately and without notice if:
      1. The other enters into a composition with its creditors.
      2. An order is made for the winding up of the other.
      3. An effective resolution is passed for the winding up of the other party (other than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction on terms approved by the first party).
      4. The other has a receiver, manager, administrative receiver, or administrator appointed in respect of it; or
      5. The other becomes insolvent, ceases, or threatens to cease, carrying on business.
    5. In the event of the termination of this Agreement by EAE for any reason, EAE’s total liability to the Exhibitor shall be the refund of any instalment of the Exhibitor Fee paid to EAE by the Exhibitor
    6. If the Exhibitor cancels their participation more than 90 days before the event – 50% of the invoice value will be charged. If the Exhibitor cancels their participation less than 90 days before the event, 100% of the invoice value will be charged.
    7. The Exhibitor accepts sole responsibility for ensuring they meet any health requirements to enter the UK whether through a UK recognised vaccine programme or meeting any other conditions that the UK Government has in place. EAE will not, under any circumstances be responsible for any losses incurred if the exhibitor fails to make these arrangements.
    8. In the event that the Exhibitor is not legally able to travel to the UK due to a general COVID restriction on travel from their place of business to the UK by their Government or the UK Government, the Exhibitor will automatically be deferred to Experience Africa 2026. No refund shall be offered.
    9. The Exhibitor accepts sole responsibility for ensuring they make arrangements to obtain any visa that may be required to enter the UK. EAE will not, under any circumstances, be responsible for any losses incurred if the Exhibitor fails to make these arrangements.
    1. All rights not expressly granted to the Exhibitor under this Agreement are reserved to EAE. The Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that: (a) EAE shall own all rights in and to the Event and (b) all revenues and costs relating to the Event shall belong to EAE; and EAE shall be entitled to enter into any Exhibitor or other arrangement with any third party in relation to the Event. The Exhibitor agrees that EAE shall not be, nor considered to be nor deemed to be, in breach of any provision of this Agreement as a result of entering into any other such arrangement.
    2. The Exhibitor hereby grants to EAE a non-exclusive, royalty free licence to use the Exhibitor’s Trademarks in relation to the event for the purpose only of providing the Exhibitor Package and warrants that it is entitled to grant such rights to EAE. The Exhibitor warrants that the use of the Exhibitor Logo shall not infringe any rights of any third-party event.
    3. EAE hereby grants to the Exhibitor a non-exclusive, royalty free licence to use the title of the event (subject always to including the date 2025 in such use and first obtaining the express consent of EAE) as is reasonably required for the purpose only of the Exhibitor Package and warrants that it is entitled to grant such rights to the Exhibitor.
    4. Each of EAE and the Exhibitor shall comply with reasonable instructions and guidelines of the other in relating to the use of its Intellectual Property
    5. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify EAE and keep it indemnified at all times against all or any costs, claims, damages, or expenses incurred by EAE, or for which EAE may become liable, with respect to any Intellectual Property infringement claim or other claim relating to the Exhibitor Trademarks
    6. Each party acknowledges that Confidential Information may be disclosed to it or otherwise come to its attention. Each party agrees and undertakes that it will hold any Confidential Information in complete confidence and will not disclose it in whole or in part at any time to any third party, nor use Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement for any reason for a period of 2 (two) years commencing immediately on the date of such termination.
      1. Confidential information shall not include information which:
        1. At or prior to the time of disclosure was known to the receiving party or was generally available to the public as evidenced in writing, except to the extent that such information was unlawfully appropriated.
        2. At or after the time of disclosure becomes generally available to the public other than through any act or omission on the part of the receiving party.
        3. Is received from a third party free to make such disclosure without breaching any legal obligation.
        4. Is independently developed by the receiving party; or
        5. Is required to be disclosed by law, court order or request by any government or regulatory authority.
    1. Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or restrict either party’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence.
    2. Subject to Clause 7.1, the liability of EAE to the Exhibitor under this Agreement shall be limited to a maximum sum equivalent to such whole or part of the Exhibitor Fee received by EAE
    3. Neither party shall be held liable to the other under contract or tort or for breach of statutory duty or otherwise with reference to any matter arising directly or indirectly out of or related to this Agreement for any indirect, consequential, incidental, or punitive loss, damage, or liability, including consequential or incidental loss of profits, business, data, or the use of data.
    4. Neither party shall be held liable for any loss or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement due to a Force Majeure Event.
    1. This Agreement relates only to the Event referred to in this Agreement.
    2. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties as to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous communications, representations, arrangements, understandings, and agreements whether written or oral relating thereto and no variation or amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed on behalf of each party hereto. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed so as to create a partnership, joint venture, or contract of employment between the parties.
    3. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed void, invalid, or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, such voidness, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity of other provisions of this Agreement and the provisions thus declared void or invalid shall be considered to have been deleted from this Agreement.
    4. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation.
    5. Any notices given by either party hereunder shall be given in writing to the recipient at its address set out above (or such address as such party may notify the other for the purposes of this Agreement). Any such notice shall be deemed to be delivered, if sent by first class post, 48 (forty-eight) hours after posting; and, if sent by facsimile or email, at the time of transmission or if received after 4pm on the following business day in the country of receipt.
    6. The parties in this Agreement do not intend that any of the terms will be enforceable by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
    7. This Agreement may not be assigned or otherwise transferred in whole or in party by either party without prior written consent of the other, save that either party may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a Group Company without consent being required.
    8. This Agreement comes into effect when the Terms and Conditions are electronically accepted in the online application to attend Experience Africa and said form is submitted and duly accepted.
    9. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are consenting under all relevant data protection legislation to EAE and THE AFRICAN TRAVEL AND TOURISM ASSOCIATION LTD communicating with you by telephone, fax, email and by post and using your personal information for internal processing and for disclosure to third parties such as airlines, hotels, and exhibitors in connection with your attendance at the Event. Please contact Chris Mears [[email protected]] if you do not wish your personal information to be used in any of the ways mentioned above.


Event Experience Africa 2025
Event Date(s) Monday 23 June – Wednesday 26 June 2025
Event Venue Convene, 155 Bishopsgate, London and external venue(s) used for social networking events, including the ATTA® Sumer Party.

Exhibitor Packages & Fees: 

As specified on the Application Form.

ATTA® Member Early Booking Package

  • Exhibitor table with 4 chairs
  • 1 Exhibitor badge (extra badges available for an additional fee)
  • Power point
  • A4 sized table branding (Artwork will need to be supplied as per our specifications)
  • Access to all official Experience Africa events as detailed in the programme
  • Diary of prescheduled appointments with 14 twenty-minute meetings slots per day with up to 42 meetings available
  • Onsite catering & refreshments including:
    • Buffet breakfast
    • Morning & Afternoon refreshments
    • Buffet lunch
    • Coffee & Tea throughout the day
    • Water & soft drinks

ATTA® Member Early Booking Package including Extra Delegate

  • Exhibitor table with 4 chairs
  • 2 Exhibitor badges
  • Power point
  • A4 sized table branding (Artwork will need to be supplied as per our specifications)
  • Access to all official Experience Africa events as detailed in the programme
  • Diary of prescheduled appointments with 14 twenty-minute meetings slots per day with up to 42 meetings available
  •  Onsite catering & refreshments including:
  • Buffet breakfast
    • Morning & Afternoon refreshments
    • Buffet lunch
    • Coffee & Tea throughout the day
    • Water & soft drinks

ATTA® Member Split Desk Package
£2,800 per co-exhibitor

  • Shared exhibitor table with 4 chairs
  • 1 Exhibitor badge
  • Power point
  • A4 sized table branding (Artwork will need to be supplied as per our specifications)
  • Access to all official Experience Africa events as detailed in the programme
  • Diary of prescheduled appointments with 7 twenty-minute meetings slots per day with up to 21 meetings available
  • Onsite catering & refreshments including:
    • Buffet breakfast
    • Morning & Afternoon refreshments
    • Buffet lunch
    • Coffee & Tea throughout the day
    • Water & soft drinks

Non Member Early Booking Package

  • Exhibitor table with 4 chairs
  • 1 Exhibitor badge (extra badges available for an additional fee)
  • Power point
  • A4 sized table branding (Artwork will need to be supplied as per our specifications)
  • Access to all official Experience Africa events as detailed in the programme
  • Diary of prescheduled appointments with 14 twenty-minute meetings slots per day with up to 42 meetings available
  •  Onsite catering & refreshments including:
    • Buffet breakfast
    • Morning & Afternoon refreshments
    • Buffet lunch
    • Coffee & Tea throughout the day
    • Water & soft drinks

Non Member Early Booking Package including Extra Delegate

  • Exhibitor table with 4 chairs
  • 2 Exhibitor badges
  • Power point
  • A4 sized table branding (Artwork will need to be supplied as per our specifications)
  • Access to all official Experience Africa events as detailed in the programme
  • Diary of prescheduled appointments with 14 twenty-minute meetings slots per day with up to 42 meetings available
  • Onsite catering & refreshments including:
    • Buffet breakfast
    • Morning & Afternoon refreshments
    • Buffet lunch
    • Coffee & Tea throughout the day
    • Water & soft drinks

Non Member Split Desk Package
£3,160 per co-exhibitor

  • Shared exhibitor table with 4 chairs
  • 1 Exhibitor badge
  • Power point
  • A4 sized table branding (Artwork will need to be supplied as per our specifications)
  • Access to all official Experience Africa events as detailed in the programme
  • Diary of prescheduled appointments with 7 twenty-minute meetings slots per day with up to 21 meetings available
  • Onsite catering & refreshments including:
    • Buffet breakfast
    • Morning & Afternoon refreshments
    • Buffet lunch
    • Coffee & Tea throughout the day
    • Water & soft drinks

Published: 05 September 2024