Experience Africa 2025 Buyer / Hosted Buyer Terms and Conditions


Contracts for participation at Experience Africa are made with Experience Africa Events Ltd (EAE).

    In these Terms & Conditions the following words will have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:
    1. EXPERIENCE AFRICA means one to one appointments held at 155 Bishopsgate between Buyers and Exhibitors between the dates of 23 June and 25 June 2025 which is organised by Experience Africa Events Ltd (EAE)
    2. EXPERIENCE AFRICA TEAM means the Experience Africa Team of Matrix Studios, 91 Peterborough Road, London SW6 3BU UK
    3. HOSTED BUYER means the person, accepted by EAE who will attend the event as a Buyer of African travel products including accommodation in London for the duration of the event
    4. BUYER means the person, accepted by EAE who will attend the event as a Buyer of African travel product.
    5. EXHIBITORS mean Exhibitors who have contracted with EAE to participate in Experience Africa
    6. PRE-SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT SYSTEM means the appointment system operated by EAE to coordinate the appointments of the Hosted Buyers / Buyers and Experience Africa Exhibitors during the event.
    1. HOSTED BUYERS will receive from EAE:
      1. A bespoke agenda with one-to-one pre-scheduled meetings according to the Buyer and Exhibitor preferences between 23 June – 25 June 2025.
      2. Entry to Experience Africa and full event programme of Experience Africa
      3. Entry to all official Experience Africa networking and content led sessions during the event
      4. Accommodation in a EAE approved hotel for the duration of the event (max 4 nights)

        As a condition of receiving the above services, Hosted Buyers will be required to:
        1. Be able to attend a minimum of 40 pre-scheduled appointments during the event. i.e. selecting a specified number of Exhibitors in order of appointment preference within a specified timeframe.
        2. Attend all meetings and networking sessions scheduled by the Experience Africa Team and included by the Experience Africa team in their diaries
        3. Wear attire appropriate for meetings as a condition of entry to and participation during the event
        4. Attend the event at the required time according to your agenda

          Failure by any person to comply with the requirements stated above may result in a review of the person’s Hosted Buyer status and / or exclusion from future Experience Africa Hosted Buyer programmes

          A significant shortfall by the Hosted Buyer on the minimum commitment with respect to attending appointments shall be treated by the Experience Africa Team as a cancellation and cancellation fees may apply (see ‘Cancellations’ section below). Attendance at the above will be monitored during the event by the ATTA® team.
    2. BUYERS will receive from EAE:
      1. A bespoke agenda with one-to-one pre-scheduled meetings according to the Buyer and Exhibitor preferences between 23 June – 25 June 2025.
      2. Entry to Experience Africa and full event programme of Experience Africa
      3. Entry to all official Experience Africa networking and content led sessions for the days attendance has been approved

        As a condition of receiving the above services, Buyers will be required to:
        1. Attend a minimum of 11 pre-scheduled appointments per day during the event. i.e. selecting a specified number of Exhibitors in order of appointment preference within a specified timeframe.
        2. Attend all meetings and networking sessions scheduled by the Experience Africa Team and included by the Experience Africa team in their diaries
        3. Wear attire appropriate for meetings as a condition of entry to and participation during the event
        4. Attend the event at the required time according to your agenda

          Failure by any person to comply with the requirements stated above may result in a review of the person’s Buyer status and / or exclusion from future Experience Africa Buyer programmes

          A significant shortfall by the Buyer on the minimum commitment with respect to attending appointments shall be treated by the Experience Africa Team as a cancellation and cancellation fees may apply (see ‘Cancellations’ section below). Attendance at the above will be monitored during the event by the ATTA® team.
    1. REPLACEMENTS: Registrations by Hosted Buyers are non-transferable. In instances where Hosted Buyers need to cancel their participation, they may request a senior colleague from their organisation attends as a replacement. On the condition that the replacement is accepted by the Experience Africa Team, a cancellation / change fee will not apply.
    2. CANCELLATION OF ATTENDANCE: Whilst not encouraged, Hosted Buyers may cancel their attendance to the event before 01 May 2025 with no penalty. Cancellations received thereafter will incur a fee of GBP £350 inclusive of VAT and will be liable for Hotel Cancellation charges. All cancellations must be received by the Experience Africa Team in writing and must have been acknowledged by the dates specified above by the Experience Africa Team.
    3. A significant shortfall by Hosted Buyers on their minimum commitments with respect to attending appointments shall be treated by the Experience Africa Team as a cancellation of attendance and the Hosted Buyers will incur a cancellation fee of GBP £350 inclusive of VAT
    4. NO SHOW: Hosted Buyers who do not inform the Experience Africa Team of their cancellations and do not attend Experience Africa will incur a no-show fee of GBP £350 inclusive of VAT and be liable for Hotel Cancellation charges.
    5. Cancellation of attendance fees and no-show fees shall be payable by Hosted Buyers within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the cancellation invoice. EAE will provide to the Hosted Buyer a payment receipt in respect to cancellation of attendance fees and no-show fees. The Hosted Buyer may request an invoice if required.
    6. Experience Africa shall be entitled to cancel the place of the Hosted Buyer and withdraw or cancel all benefits if it considers, at its sole discretion, that the conduct of the Hosted Buyer, or any person attending with the Hosted Buyer, does not fit the profile of the event.
    7. Hosted Buyers agree that the above charges are a reasonable pre-estimate of the loss suffered by Experience Africa of Hosted Buyers breaching these terms and conditions.
    1. REPLACEMENTS: Registrations by Buyers are non-transferable. In instances where Buyers need to cancel their participation, they may request a senior colleague from their organisation attends as a replacement. On the condition that the replacement is accepted by the Experience Africa Team, a cancellation / change fee will not apply.
    2. CANCELLATION OF ATTENDANCE: Whilst not encouraged, Buyers may cancel their attendance to the event before 19 May with no penalty. Cancellations received thereafter will incur a fee of GBP £350 inclusive of VAT. All cancellations must be received by the Experience Africa Team in writing and must have been acknowledged by the dates specified above by the Experience Africa Team.
    3. A significant shortfall by Buyers on their minimum commitments with respect to attending appointments shall be treated by the Experience Africa Team as a cancellation of attendance and the Buyers will incur a cancellation fee of GBP £350 inclusive of VAT
    4. NO SHOW: Buyers who do not inform the Experience Africa Team of their cancellations and do not attend Experience Africa will incur a no-show fee of GBP £350 inclusive of VAT.
    5. Cancellation of attendance fees and no-show fees shall be payable by Buyers within thirty days of receipt of the cancellation invoice. EAE will provide to the Buyer a payment receipt in respect to cancellation of attendance fees and no-show fees. The Buyer may request an invoice if required.
    6. Experience Africa shall be entitled to cancel the place of the Buyer and withdraw or cancel all benefits if it considers, at its sole discretion, that the conduct of the Buyer, or any person attending with the Buyer, does not fit the profile of the event.
    7. Buyers agree that the above charges are a reasonable pre-estimate of the loss suffered by Experience Africa of Buyers breaching these terms and conditions.
    1. EAE reserves the right to reschedule the event at another date, whether in consequence of a force majeure event or otherwise.
    2. EAE shall not be liable to the Hosted Buyer or Buyer in contract, tort or otherwise for any loss of profit, loss of business or revenue, loss of anticipated savings or any indirect or consequential loss or damage, costs or expenses arising out of or in conjunction with the Hosted Buyer or Buyer attendance at the event
    3. EAE shall not be liable for the death or personal injury of any Hosted Buyers or Buyers save where such liability cannot be excluded under English Law.
    1. Completion of an online or other application form applying to become a Hosted Buyer at Experience Africa does not automatically guarantee a place on the Hosted Buyer programme. Applicants will be notified by the Experience Africa Team if their application is successful. The Experience Africa Team’s decision is final. Only one application form may be completed by each proposed participant and only the first application form will be accepted. Applicants must be over the age of eighteen.
    2. Successful applicants will only be accepted as Hosted Buyers if they have read and agreed to these terms and conditions and have ticked the relevant boxes on the online application form.
    3. The Experience Africa Team reserves the right to remove a Hosted Buyer from the Hosted Buyer programme at its complete discretion without liability if it is considered by the Experience Africa Team to be in the best interests of Experience Africa.
    4. The Experience Africa Team reserves the right to remove a Buyer from the event at its complete discretion without liability if it is considered by the Experience Africa Team to be in the best interests of Experience Africa.
    5. It is important for any Hosted Buyer and those businesses that they represent, to understand that Experience Africa is solely for the business purpose and targeted for influential people working within the travel industry.
    6. Any disputes arising under these terms will be governed by English law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
    7. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you are consenting under all relevant data protection legislation to EAE ltd and ATTA® ltd communicating with you by telephone, fax, email and by post and using your personal information for internal processing and for disclosure to third parties such as airlines, hotels and exhibitors in connection with your attendance at Experience Africa. Please contact Chris Mears ([email protected]) if you do not wish your personal information to be used in any of the ways mentioned above.

Published: 05 September 2024