Sur La Iri BV
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Sur La Iri offers tailor-made trips to Africa, from the higher mid-range to the high-end market. We focus on sustainable and regenerative travel through carbon offset and fincially supporting conservation projects. Who travels with us allows nature to (re)grow and recover.
Where we operate
- São Tomé and Príncipe
- South Africa
- Botswana
- Zambia
- Ethiopia
- Mozambique
- Congo
- Namibia
- Kenya
- Malawi
- Uganda
- Zimbabwe
- Rwanda
- Tanzania
- Madagascar
Where we’re based
- Netherlands
- Belgium
News see all news
Musekese Conservation
Musekese Conservation is a Zambian organisation working with the Department of National Parks & Wildlife across the Greater Kafue Ecosystem. The project’s primary focus is capacity building for effective conservation outcomes. We provide resources and technical support for law enforcement, research and community based natural resource management. Our goal is to contribute to the preservation of wildlife and habitat, whilst promoting sustainable livelihoods for the communities living within and around the Kafue NP.