
For over 30 years Shenton Safaris have been offering guests an authentic safari experience in a game rich area particularly renowned for its diverse landscapes and high population of big cats.

As one of the few remaining owner-run operations in Zambia, Derek Shenton and his wife Jules, have developed the camps and our exclusive network of wildlife hides to truly immerse our guests in nature.

Located deep within the park in an area renowned for Leopard, Kaingo Camp is comprised of six tranquil thatched chalets, nestled discretely along the banks of the Luangwa River.

Mwamba meanwhile is the quintessential African bush camp. Our intimate camp features just 4 cosy rooms, authentically recreated each year using woven reed, thatch and other natural materials.

As a result of our owner's guiding ethos, the phenomenal wildlife on our doorstep and our highly trained and passionate team, our camps appeal to a broad market of safari goers from across the globe. 






Video overview

Activities offered

  • Accommodation
  • Mobile Safaris
  • Honeymoon safaris
  • Photography
  • Walking Safaris
  • Eco tourism
  • Safaris - Fixed Camp
  • Weddings
  • Bird Watching

Where we operate

  • Zambia

Where we’re based

  • Zambia

News see all news

Conservation South Luangwa

Website https://cslzambia.org/

Conservation South Luangwa was formed in 2003. CSL was created by a handful of like-minded safari operators and concerned stakeholders whose vision was to help protect South Luangwa. CSL is dedicated to protecting South Luangwa, it’s wildlife and habitat through a combination of law enforcement support (anti-poaching), human-wildlife conflict mitigation, veterinary work and community outreach.

Since CSL was created, there has always been a firm belief in keeping it a majority Zambian staffed organization, the most obvious reason being sustainability and ownership. What started as a team of 5 dedicated staff fifteen years ago, has now grown into a team of 85 wildlife conservationists.

Shenton Safaris and Project Luangwa are proud to partner with Pack for a Purpose, a non-profit organization that encourages travellers to pack much needed supplies requested by community based projects at their destinations around the globe.

Travellers visiting participating lodgings such as Kaingo and Mwamba are asked to use five pounds of space in their luggage to bring supplies for community projects. The online resource lists the specific needs requested by each project, such as pencils and books for schools, or bandages and cotton swabs in medical clinics.

Project Luangwa

Website https://www.projectluangwa.org/

Project Luangwa is a charitable organisation formed by a handful of Safari Operators of South Luangwa as a part of our commitment to responsible tourism. Their aim is to create an effective, coordinated approach to helping local communities improve their long-term economic prospects whilst avoiding a negative impact on the environment and wildlife.

We believe as a charity operating in Zambia that by developing and improving education in schools and creating training opportunities we can help families have the chance of a lasting and sustainable income.