
About Us: Kilimanjaro Responsible Trekking Organization (KRTO)

Evolved from the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP), the Kilimanjaro Responsible Trekking Organization (KRTO) stands as a beacon of sustainable tourism and social responsibility on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's tallest peak. Our essence is captured in our dedication to set a standard, proving that ethical and sustainable practices in tourism should not just be celebrated but expected.

Our endeavors focus on safeguarding Kilimanjaro's stunning vistas while simultaneously enhancing the well-being of the porters—the heart and soul of every mountaineering journey. We commit ourselves to three foundational pillars:

Our Commitment to Social and Environmental Best Practices

At KRTO, we believe that responsible trekking goes beyond just enjoying the majestic landscapes of Kilimanjaro. It's about leaving a positive impact on the environment and the local communities. We are committed to:

Environmental Stewardship: We employ eco-conscious practices to reduce our ecological impact, ensuring the pristine condition of Kilimanjaro for the adventurers of tomorrow.

Community Empowerment: We champion the development of surrounding communities through educational, health, and economic programs.

Fair Trekking Practices: We persist in cultivating ethical trekking practices, ensuring porters and guides are justly compensated, work under fair conditions, and are equipped adequately, essential tenets of their dignity and our respect.

Our Support for the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project under KRTO

KRTO's support for KPAP is unwavering and intrinsic to our core philosophy. KPAP’s objectives are twofold: to advocate for the fair and ethical treatment of Kilimanjaro porters and to provide educational opportunities empowering them beyond the mountain.

We empower local lives through education, bolster health care access, and spark economic development, as our initiatives are multi-faceted. From encompassing gear provision, health and safety training, and financial literacy programs, Furthermore, we align with operators who observe KPAP's guidelines to forge a future where justice prevails for porters through:

Awareness & Advocacy: Through combined efforts, we endeavor to enlighten climbers, collaborate with ethical industry operators, and advocate for responsible trekking practices.

Education & Skill Development: Facilitating training for porters to bolster their prospects.

Direct Support: Contributing to KPAP's mission through donations and support, equipping porters with the necessary tools for a secure and dignified work environment.

Activities offered

  • Mountain Climbing
  • Eco tourism
  • Adventure tourism

Where we operate

  • Tanzania

Where we’re based

  • United States
  • Tanzania