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Measuring and reporting sustainability metrics in the Hospitality sector: Leveraging SaaS solutions for independent hotels

Understanding your sustainability impact goals

  • Importance of setting clear objectives
  • Strategies for identifying and prioritizing goals

Sustainability Metrics in the Hospitality Sector

  • Introduction to key metrics for measuring sustainability in hospitality
  • Industry standards and benchmarks

The Role of SaaS Solutions in Sustainability Measurement

  • Introduction to SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions
  • Overview of SaaS platforms tailored for hospitality sustainability

Case Studies: Successful Implementation of SaaS Solutions

  • Lessons learned and best practices from real-world examples
Julie Cheetham

Julie Cheetham

Founding Member and Managing Director, Weeva

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Nwabisa Mjoli

Nwabisa Mjoli

Sustainability Officer , Weeva

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